English, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

One of the most important problems facing the country today is the rapid increase in population. It not only
results in the unequal distribution of available resources but also leads to many other problems which
hampers the overall progress of the nation on the whole. Write an article in about 150 words for your school
magazine on ‘Population Explosion’ suggesting ways to control it.

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Answered by prasunkrishna2005


Economic Measures:

1. Modernization of Agriculture:

In India, the primitive method of agriculture is still being followed in various parts of the country which needs to be replaced by better methods.

2. Industrial Development:

As the agricultural sector of the country is over burdened with huge population pressure thus industrialization can transfer this surplus working force from agriculture to other sectors.

Social Measures:

1. Postponement of the Marriage:

The raising of the minimum age of marriage both through legislation and arousing consciousness can play an effective role in checking population growth.

2. Improving the Status of Women:

In India women, more particularly rural women, are enjoying a very poor social status. Although the constitution of the country guaranteed equal status for men and women but a high degree of discrimination between them still prevails leading to a growth of family size.

Administrative Measures:

1. Introduction of Two-child Norm

2. Incentives and Disincentives:

The Government should introduce various incentive schemes for adopting small family norm such as cash incentive, preference for employment, preference for promotion etc.


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