English, asked by mk4522013, 6 months ago

One ________Read “Long Walk to Freedom” as it represents the real victory against the apartheid,

tyranny, and colonialism. (should/ would)

I ________not imagine that the future I was walking toward ______ compare in any way to the past

that I was leaving behind. (must/ could)

A Nation ________not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but it’s lowest ones. (should/


Apartheid dictated where South Africans, on the basis of their race, could live and work, the type of

education they _______receive, and whether they ________vote. (could/ would/must)

A brave man is not that who does not feel afraid but who _______conquer it. (can/ may)

Even though today’s world stimulates a different form of slavery, Mandela showed us that we

________fight for justice. (might/ must)

There ________be no discrimination on the basis of their colour, caste, race, age or gender in the

society. (should/ would)

Although It _______seem difficult to understand — people should stand up because even in the 21st,

century we face different forms of stereotypes, racism, and cultural intolerance. (may/ can)

Strong convictions are the secret of surviving deprivation; your spirit _______be full even when your

stomach is empty. (can/ could)

People _______learn to hate, and if they _______learn to hate, they _______be taught to love, for

love comes more naturally to the human heart than it’s opposite. (must / can/ can)


Answered by medicaljayarangan


man,would,will,the,could,will,could,race,will,could,may,are brave,must,should,may,can,can,must,can

Select me as brain list

Answered by rajeshsingh0283


1. should

2.could, must


4.must, could




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