online teaching is better than classroom teaching essay on about 400 to 500 words. plz give fast frnds
In the classroom environment the teacher can see who is putting the effort in the group assignment and give the correct credit to the students who do the work and effort. This allows for the students that don’t put in effort get the grade they deserve. Meeting your teacher and peers face to face allows for better understanding of feedback, which you receive from your teacher and peers on assignments and allows you to better improve your assignment before the final copy has to be turn in to the teacher.
Group Assignments in online classes are a lot hard to plan and takes a lot of more time to figure out when everyone can work on the project together or just to figure out on whom does what part. When you have to email each other or using another program to communicate to each other and figure out how to plan between everyone schedules.
Some colleges and universities used Blackboard or similar systems, which provides a structured format for teachers to post announcements, assignments, course documents, faculty credentials and course notes for easy student access. This helps with students taking the classes online to be better prepared but it is able used with the classroom environment to. This even helps more with the traditional way of taking classes because it allows the students to seek feedback from the teacher in person and have a schedule, which they can view from anywhere if they have internet and a computer.
Individual Assignments
In the traditional classroom environment the individual assignments can sometimes be hard and you need help from the teacher
Assessment of student’s learning and student’s activities has been said that it takes up half of the teacher’s professional time in the classroom, which is one of the many job responsibilities of a teacher.
Taking tests in the classroom environment sometimes become a little overwhelming but it’s also the best way to take the test since you have the ability to ask the teacher questions about the test and be able to physical meet with other students and the teacher.
Many teachers let the students in the classroom review the day before the test in class and also before taking the class to allow the students the best grade they can get from studying.
Online classes some teachers don’t require a test in their classes since it’s online and the teacher knows the students will use their books. Instead they have them do more papers or homework assignments which shows the teacher they are doing their work. Online classes lets the students take responsibility for their own leaning more than traditional instructional approaches but some students have a hard time learning if they are not being pushed to study for the tests and do the homework.( Brockway)
There are more advantages of taking classes in the classroom compared to taking them online; such as being able to physically meet with the teacher, asking for feedback and seeing their reaction.
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