Biology, asked by sumitshaw2015117257, 1 month ago

                                   ONLINE TUTORIAL 23                                                    CLASS VI                                             SUBJECT BIOLOGY                            CHAPTER 7: HEALTH AND HYGIENE                                              Study the following questions and answers carefully and write them in your Biology copy. Match the following: Ringworm – fungus Malaria – protozoa Cholera – bacteria Dengue – virus Obesity – excess of food Identify the following pairs as correct/incorrect. Rewrite the incorrectly matched pairs. Cholera: waterborne disease – CORRECT Conjunctivitis: droplet infection – INCORRECT CORRECTION – conjunctivitis: direct contact Common cold: droplet infection – CORRECT Dysentery: air-borne infection – INCORRECT CORRECTION – dysentery: waterborne disease Dengue: disease spread by insect – CORRECT Tuberculosis: disease spread by direct contact – INCORRECT CORRECTION – tuberculosis: droplet infection Find the odd one out. Give reasons for your choice. Night blindness, scurvy, beriberi, typhoid. – because typhoid is caused by bacteria while the rest are deficiency disease. Typhoid, chickenpox, polio, measles – because typhoid is caused by bacteria while the rest are caused by virus. Cholera, botulism, chicken pox, typhoid – because chicken pox is caused by virus, while the rest are caused by bacteria. Diabetes, goitre, arthritis, heart attack, cancer – because only goitre is caused by iodine deficiency. Malaria, plague, measles, dengue, yellow fever – because measles is caused by virus while the rest are caused by pathogens. Answer the following questions: Give 3 examples of congenital diseases. Ans: Colour-blindness, thalassemia, haemophilia. What are acquired diseases? Ans: Diseases that develop after birth are called acquired diseases. Example: cholera, malaria, etc. What are pathogens? Ans: A pathogen is usually defined as a micro-organism that causes, or can cause, disease. Name any five diseases caused by viruses. Ans: Measles, chickenpox, polio, rabies, influenza. Classify the following diseases according to the pathogens that cause them: Bacteria Virus Fungi Protozoa Botulism, typhoid, whooping cough, plague, diphtheria, cholera, pneumonia Rabies, mumps, chickenpox, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, influenza, yellow fever Food poisoning, ring worm Amoebic dysentery Answer the following questions: What are the different ways by which communicable diseases spread? Ans: Communicable diseases can spread in the following ways: Droplet infection or air-borne disease – diseases that spread through air.  Water-borne disease – diseases that spread through contaminated water. Contagious disease – diseases that are transmitted by direct contact. Vector-borne disease – diseases caused by microbe carrying organisms. List five personal habits which can prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Ans: They are: Drink filtered or boiled water and eat balanced diet. Wash your hands with soap before eating. Vaccination Use your own towel and handkerchief. Keep food covered and do not eat exposed food items. Why are deficiency diseases called non-communicable diseases? Ans: Deficiency diseases are called non-communicable diseases because they do not spread from one person to another, they are only caused due to the deficiency of any particular nutrient. Why does a child who was suffering from conjunctivitis was sent home by her teacher? Ans: The child is sent home because conjunctivitis is a communicable disease. A child is bitten by a dog was immediately taken to a doctor. Why? Ans: If the child is not immediately treated by the doctor, the child might suffer from rabies. Answer the following questions in brief. (Workbook) Name two bacterial disease. Ans: Cholera and Tuberculosis Name a disease caused by Ascaris. Ans: Ascariasis What is Malnutrition? Ans: Malnutrition occurs when the body doesn’t get enough nutrients, it can cause due to poor diet, digestive conditions or another disease. Which mineral deficiency causes goitre? Ans: Iodine What causes PEM? Ans: Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is a form of malnutrition that arises due to the lack of dietary proteins or carbohydrates and fats. What are Metabolic disorders? Give two examples. Ans: Metabolic disorders occurs when there is an imbalance in the body’s metabolism which results in disruption in the body’s normal function and it leads to many diseases like diabetes, heart disorders, etc.​


Answered by 31aliahmedzahidshaik


Health is the normal and healthy state of the body. ... Hygiene refers to good practices that prevent disease and lead to good health, especially cleanliness, proper disposal of wastewater and drinking water supply. It refers to all the activities that are done to improve and preserve, maintain good health.

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