only glucose is used for energy requirement by
Only glucose is used for energy requirement by brain.
1. The cells of brain uses glucose for performing their activities.
2. If our brain does not get sufficient amount of required glucose, then, the individual may suffer from Alzheimer's disease.
3. Also, our brain might get affected and this may interfere our daily functioning and activities which may lead to low memory power, decrease in learning power, etc.
4. Almost half of all the sugar or glucose present in our body is used by our brain for obtaining energy.
5. Foods that serves as fuel for our brain includes: green leafy vegetables, berries, walnuts, etc.
6. Our brain is a very important as well as a complex organ of our body. It has many important functions that are very vital for our survival.
7. Brain is involved in controlling our thought, emotion and memory. It also plays a major role in maintaining our temperature. It is also involved in breathing process and in hunger.
Know More:
Draw a neat diagram of human brain and label Medulla and Cerebellum. Write the functions of the above mentioned parts.
You read about ‘Brain dead’ in this chapter. What discussions would you like to have why you think so?