English, asked by ses37mahekshaikhs12, 3 months ago

Onward march, onward march, onward march, Everything is in a flutter today on our earth. Music flourishes up in the sky And the trumpet rings, mighty and high. Youth of the new Dawn, ,. March on, on, on. listen the poem carefully to write
1 gist
2 rhyming of words
3 figure of speech
give me answer


Answered by anilalam226


gist - it is the suggestion of the poet to youths to do the activities like soldiers and try to bring new happy time in the form of morning.

rhyming of words- sky-high, dawn-on

figure of speech- repetition

Answered by Chaitanya1696

We need to find the gist, rhyming words, and figure of speech of the poem given.

  • Gist- In this poem, the author is advising the youth of the world to behave like soldiers in order to bring about a sense of happiness and peace in this world.
  • Rhyming words: The rhyming words in the poem are sky-high and dawn-on
  • The figure of speech used is Repetition.


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