reading is always a source of pleasur
tof trading is a sign of good culture it is a source of knowledge and
ug use of one's leisure Books are, after all a gold mine of knowledc
nce Books are not only useful instructive but also entertaining and
the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questi
best of the given choices
How does a child learn the ways of its life?
9 By imitating his elders
(1) by observing
(tl) Through reading and writing (iv) through school educ
What are the two salient features of reading?
(1) recreative and instructive
y pleasure & intellectu
(ili) information and views
(iv) all the above
How does the reading of a novel inculcate the interest of a reade
(1) Novels take the reader to heights of imagination and give p
real life.
(0) Novels create interest and sustain it
(ill) Novels present the characters of people we see around us.
(iv) Scenes in novels shift and change and unexpected events t
Why is the reading of books of travel and adventure, a sour
pleasure and thrill?
These books provide glamour and romance
1 Those
These books inspire us to be like
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