open any two HTML pages created by you note down the address that appears in the address bar
Creating a HTML page
- open your pc/mac
- go to notepad/note taking app
- write down the html codes, here is an template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>write down the page title</title>
<h1>write down the heading of page</h1>
<a href="write down internal or external page links for navigation">navigation</a>
<h2>write down section name if you need</h2>
<li>if you have list item then add here</li>
<li>list item</li>
<li>list item</li>
<!--in the footer add some useful links like About us, privacy policy and contact us.--></footer>
- After writing code save it and open this with your browser and note down the address bar.
Address that appears in the address bar
Steps to create and view web page:
- Open text editor in your system.
- Start writing following HTML code after opening the text editor.
HTML code
HTML Document
<p>This is a very simple HTML document</p>
<p>It only has two paragraphs</p>
- Save the file with name 'home .html", where html is file extension
- Open web page in any web browser by using the Open file to view the local file from File menu option.
The address that appears in the address bar is
Similarly, create another HTML page having name "student.html" and open it in browser then see the address in address bar: