English, asked by Rabie8986, 1 year ago

Open ended short story - at the one night walking alone on the street


Answered by harshita113
Well don't know if it is worth it or not..bt tried my hand on some suspense


There is not a heart that has its moments of longing, yearning for something better, nobler, holier than it knows, a road that’s not so lonely and shadowed with pain and guilt. In her worst times when the road ahead seems impossible and thunder and storms threatens to rip my world apart, she silently wonder by herself how is she going to survive this storm there had been so many and sometimes she use to get wary and tired, with no-one to walk with her to share her grieve and share her triumphs, while thinking all this she walked on a lonely road.

Sara was returning back from office to her hostel with her fellow colleagues thinking deep about her life not realizing that her friends had stopped by an ice cream vendor and asked her to join to. Today was the date on which she use to get disturbed every year because on this very date about 3 years back she lost her family in an accident. Her relatives those who were always all around her trying to gain her attention as she was one of the most smart, intelligent and beautiful girl of her family and moreover was daughter of a rich man, now denied to give her shelter. But none of her fellow knew about it as she shifted to this city just few months back in order to escape from the memories of the accident that use to haunt her in her hometown and she was pretty much successful in to but today again she felt all her attempts went futile.

The darkness of night had drawn down its shady covers on the last of the fading light. . The sound of leaves blowing in the street added a peaceful soundtrackto the scene and she felt like only nature is talking to her. It was about 9:00 in the evening and suddenly a cold breeze passed through bringing her out of trance. It was only then she realised that she walked a long way alone and probably had crossed her hostel too as she never had seen such surroundings on the way from her office to her hostel. When the realization dawned upon her she became scared because she still was not familiar with the roads as she rarely went out with her friends.

She looked around and noticed a never ending, twisting, winding, curving path of dark stoned ground covered by a silver sheen of a dust like material that was displaced with every step she took, causing small bursts of lite-blue sparks. Along the roadside, there would be cliff, some so smooth they were impossible to climb, others just as twisted and curved as the path before her. Once she had asked herself how long she had walked this path.

She looked around again but there was not a single soul to be witnessed so she started panicking. After staying there for sometime she composed herself thinking its better to be alone in this cruel world at this hour and started moving back with the hope that she might get any hint about the surrounding. After walking for half an hour when she didn’t get any hint, the little ray of hope too started fading and also the night was turning colder.  Thinking of it she left it all upon God to bring forth what he had destined for her and suddenly she felt a strong yellow beam of light moving towards her fastly. She tried opening her eyes and contemplated that it was a car, now she was scared in the real sense, she realized even that darkness wasn’t killing her as much as facing some stranger at such an odd place. She closed her eyes recalled what her father use to tell her “it is more cruel to always fear death than it is to die, the person who is constantly in fear is every day condemned.” She noticed the screeching sound of the car and opened her eyes to witness ‘a figure cloaked in darkness extended his hand to her’.

hope helped you
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