Sociology, asked by ramveergoyal77, 2 months ago

open letter to youth on power of fitness ​


Answered by kritikakundal18

Dear Youth Athlete,

You’re not a soccer player.

You’re not a basketball player.

You’re not a volleyball player.

You’re not a hockey player.

You’re a kid.

In fact, you’re a kid with a multitude of hobbies, aspirations, and talents. Yes, you might be good at one sport over the other, but don’t let the system pigeonhole you into choosing at age 7.

None of us can predict where you will be at age 20, so tap into all corners of your brain and potential.

Write music.

Play every sport.




Be. A. Kid.

You’re more than an expectation, more than a label, more than a number on the field.

Don’t focus on one thing. Instead, be a multi-dimensional human being who deserves to share your plethora of talents to the world

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