opinion on tokyo olympics
Explanation:Due to the pandemic, the Olympic Games will take place without spectators for the first time. Unlike UEFA, the organizers in Tokyo have shown the minimal level of responsibility, says DW's Stefan Nestler.
"We had no choice," said Seiko Hashimoto, the head of the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee, after announcing the decision to ban spectators from next month's Games.
It's been clear for several months that foreign visitors would not be able to travel to Japan, but organizers had hoped to allow 10,000 local fans per event in order to create at least a semblance of Olympic flare.
But now, it's official: for the first time ever, the Olympic Games will take place in empty arenas. Welcome to Tokyo 2021: The Coronavirus Games.
The organizing committee had no other option but to pull the plug after discussions with the Japanese government and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Hard facts and the general atmosphere saw to that.