English, asked by sethidivjotkaur15, 7 months ago

opposite of brilliance​


Answered by queen0723


Superstition also explains why many buildings do not have a 13th floor—preferring to label it 14, 14A 12B or M (the 13th letter of the alphabet) on elevator button panels because of concerns about superstitious tenants. Indeed, 13% of people in one survey indicated that staying on the 13th floor of a hotel would bother them—and 9% said they would ask for a different room.

Although they can lead to irrational decisions, such as trusting in the merits of good luck and destiny rather than sound decision making. Carrying charms, wearing certain clothes, visiting places associated with good fortune, preferring specific colors and using particular numbers are all elements of superstition.

Answered by IshanY69

Foolishness is the opposite of brilliance.


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