State the reason for the following:
Aluminium oxide is called an amphoteric oxide
An iron strip dipped in a blue copper sulphate solution
solution pale green.
Hydrogen gas is not evolved when most metals react with nitric acid
(iv) Calcium does not occur in free state in nature.
(v) Sodium or potassium metals are kept immersed under kerosene.
The formulae of four organic compounds are given below:
The form
(i) Which one of these compounds A, B, C or D is a saturated hydrocarbon?
(ii) Identify the organic acid and give its structural formula.
(iiiWhich of the above compounds when heated at 443K in the presence of
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1.It has reactions as both a base and an acid. Reaction with water: Aluminum oxide is insoluble in water and does not react like sodium oxide and magnesium oxide. The oxide ions are held too strongly in the solid lattice to react with the water.
2.When iron nails are kept dipped in copper sulphate solution for about 30 minutes, the blue colour of the aqueous copper sulphate would slowly fade to become green and a brown deposition would be seen on the iron nails.
3.Nitric acid(HNO3) is a strong oxidising agent. The Hydrogen gas produced during its reaction with metal gets oxidised to H2O, hence no hydrogen gas is produced. Instead it evolves nitric oxides such as NO2,NO
4.calcium does not occur in free state in nature because,
Metals of high reactivity are never found in free state. They are always combined with impurities. Answer: Calcium cannot exist in its natural state since it's highly reactive and readily reacts with the surrounding elements to form Calcium compounds.
5.Sodium and Potassium are kept in kerosene because they are very reactive. If kept freely in contact with air or water they might explode or catch fire which is extremely dangerous.
This is the answer to your question