Oral Questions 1. Nome a disease caused by virus in human beings. 2. Name the causative microorganism for diarrhoea. 3. Nome a communicable diseases transmitted through air. 4. Name a noncommunicable disease. 5. What are the insects and other animals which corry the disease-cousing microorganisms from one place to another called ?
1. Viral fever
3.tuberculosis ig
5. house fly mosquito, rat, flea
1.-Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS) Human papillomavirus (HPV) Infectious mononucleosis. Mumps, measles and rubella
2.-Rotavirus and Escherichia coli, are the two most common etiological agents of moderate-to-severe diarrhoea in low-income countries. Other pathogens such as cryptosporidium and shigella species may also be important.
3.-Many common infections can spread by airborne transmission at least in some cases, including but not limited to measles chickenpox virus; Mycobacterium tuberculosis, influenza virus, enterovirus, norovirus and less commonly adenovirus, and possibly respiratory syncytial virus
4.-Noncommunicable diseases , including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease, are collectively responsible for almost 70% of all deaths worldwide
5.-Vectors carry disease-causing viruses, bacteria, or parasites from one host to another, delivering these pathogens to humans and other warm-blooded hosts. The vectors themselves typically suffer no ill effects from the organisms they carry.