English, asked by subhajeetbarik6, 5 months ago

Orange juice making pragraph​


Answered by adeen13


Oranges have been around for ages. There are lots of people who cannot do without a glass of orange juice in the morning. Among the most popular juices orange usually takes first place. Health Benefits: • It is unfortunate that many people all over the world are battling cancer. To not become one of the statistics when it comes to this dreaded disease start including more oranges in your diet. These citrus fruit contain phytochemicals that help protect against cancer. Oranges are full of citrus limonoids that have been proven to fight many varieties of cancer among them breast, lung, stomach, colon and skin cancers. • Oranges can help prevent kidney diseases so you should drink orange regularly. However you have to make sure that you drink…show more content…

• These citrus fruits offer smart carbs and won’t cause a sugar spike in the blood. They have simple sugars but the orange has a glycemic index of 40 and anything under 55 is considered to be low. Therefore this means that as long as you eat oranges in moderation there won’t be a spike in your blood sugar and won’t cause problems with weight gain or insulin. Keep in mind that oranges are rich in nutrients among them Vitamins C and A, precursors, calcium, potassium and pectin. Fascinating Orange Facts: 1. This fruit is the largest citrus crop in the world. 2. The country that produces the most oranges is Brazil. 3. Because they have a belly button shape near the bottom they were given the name navel oranges. 4. The U.S. grows around 25 billion oranges every year. 5. To prevent scurvy British sailors took citrus fruits and sauerkraut on ships in the 18th century. 6. About 70% of the total orange crop in the U.S. comes from Florida and 90% goes into juice production. 7. Oranges were given as Christmas presents in England on Queen Victoria Day. 8. The two most common orange varieties are Navel and

Answered by Anonymous


Orange juice is really a very nutritious and refreshing healthy drink. It is very easy to make orange juice at home. We can prepare orange juice through a number of steps. First, ripe oranges are bought from the market. Then the rotten ones are sorted and removed. After that, the good oranges are washed and cleaned properly. Then, the good oranges are put in a juicer after peeling. After that, these are crushed in order to extract juice. Then, the seeds are strained with a piece of cloth. Next, sugar and syrup are mixed with the juice. After that, the juice is poured in sterilized bottles. Next, the bottles are sealed and labelled. Then, the bottles are put into boxes. Now, fresh orange juice is ready. Finally, The boxes are despatched to the market for sale.

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