Ex 1. Are the adjectives in the correct order? If yes, write yes. If no, rewrite the sentence with the adjectives in the correct order.
1. That red, big truck moves slowly.
2. My mom is a short, Russian woman.
3. England is an entertaining, big, old country.
4. Sophie ate a Chinese, small, delicious cookie.
5. The team has three leather, oval footballs to use for practice.
6. Brian and Missy are selling twelve small, fresh, orange tangerines.
7. My family has a fantastic, gigantic mansion on a beautiful street.
8. Four adorable, gray bunnies moved into our backyard.
9. Robert bought an adorable, yellow, silk tie to wear to school.
10. We have a purple, small, old umbrella to use when it rains.
1. That big, red truck moves slowly.
2. My mom is a short, Russian woman.
3. England is an entertaining, big, old country.
4. Sophie ate a delicious, small, Chinese cookie.
5. The team has three oval,leather footballs to use for practice.
6. Brian and Missy are selling twelve fresh, small, orange tangerines.
7. My family has a fantastic, gigantic mansion on a beautiful street.
8. Four adorable, gray bunnies moved into our backyard.
9. Robert bought an adorable, yellow, silk tie to wear to school.
10. We have a small, old,purple umbrella to use when it rains.
That red, big truck moves slowly.
2. My mom is a short, Russian woman.
3. England is an entertaining, big, old country.
4. Sophie ate a Chinese, small, delicious cookie.
5. The team has three leather, oval footballs to use for practice.
6. Brian and Missy are selling twelve small, fresh, orange tangerines.
7. My family has a fantastic, gigantic mansion on a beautiful street.
8. Four adorable, gray bunnies moved into our backyard.
9. Robert bought an adorable, yellow, silk tie to wear to school.
10. We have a purple, small, old umbrella to use when it rains.