English, asked by kharatvijaya38, 4 hours ago

order of their occurrence in the passage.                                                                                                    2M

1. the presentation of bouquets

2. then the first notes came over the air

3. knees felt weak

4. agreed to get the tickets

‘It would be nice to go to the concert. I don’t know when we’ll get another opportunity to hear Pandit Ravi Shankar,’ she said to her mother later. And her father agreed to get the tickets. The next day as Smita and her father were leaving for the concert, her brother smiled and said, ‘ Enjoy yourself,’ though the words came out in painful gasps. ‘Lucky you!’ Sitting besides her father in the gallery, Smita heard as in a dream the thundering welcome the audience gave the great master. Then the first notes came over the air and Smita felt as if the gates of a land of enchantment and wonder were opening. Spellbound, she listened to the unfolding ragas, the slow plaintive notes, the fast twinkling ones, but all the while the plan she had decided on the evening before remained firmly in her mind. ‘The chance of a lifetime.’ She heard Anant’s voice in every beat of the tabla. The concert came to an end, the audience gave the artistes a standing ovation. A large moustachioed having a long moustache man made a long boring speech. Then came the presentation of bouquets. Then more applause and the curtain came down. The people began to move towards the exits. Now was the time. Smita wriggled her way through the crowds towards the stage. Then she went up the steps that led to the wings, her heart beating loudly. In the wings a small crowd had gathered to talk about the evening concert, to help carry bouquets and teacups and instruments. He was there, standing with the man who played the table for him the great wizard of music, Ustad Allah Rakha. Her knees felt weak, her tongue dry. But she went up and standing before them, her hands folded, ‘Oh sir,’ she burst out.

A2. State who or whose.                                                                          2M

  1. tongue felt dry

  2. made a long boring speech

  3. began to move towards the exits

  4. spoke words in painful gaps.

A3. 1. Find two words from the passage containing a suffix.                         1M

      2. Find out two collective nouns from the passage.                                 1M

A4. Do as directed.                                                                                   2M

     1. The audience gave the artist a standing ovation. (Identify the type of sentence)

     2. Then came the presentation of bouquets. (Separate the subject and predicate)

A5. Describe a performance that you have been to.​


Answered by umakalakhatri48


order of their occurrence in the passage.                                                                             

ANS –1) agreed to get the tickets

2) then the first notes came over the air

3) the presentation of bouquets

4) knees felt weak

A2State who or whose.

ANS–1)whose tongue felt dry

2)who made a long boring speech

3)who began to move towards the exits

4) who spoke words in painful gaps.

A3. Find two words from the passage containing a suffix.



2. Find out two collective nouns from the passage


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