History, asked by kaswini8791, 1 year ago

Organic and Inorganic compound found in Cavite


Answered by Ayushchoudhary0980


The main difference is in the presence of a carbon atom; organic compounds will contain a carbon atom (and often a hydrogen atom, to form hydrocarbons), while almost all inorganic compounds do not contain either of those two atoms.

Answered by smartbrainz

Teeth consist of hard tissues, phylogenetically old. Its function is to grab, cut and grind the food consumed. Human teeth are known to be heterodontous, which means they have different forms and functions.

Crown is made of gum and coated with an enamel (enamel) layer. This is the hardest tissue to be found in the human body, made up of the cells called ameloblasts. The internal structure consists of columns known as prisms of enamel. The principal substance in the teeth is Dentin (dentinum). While the inorganic material contains a high percentage, which makes it harder than the bone, it remains elastic. Cells known as odontoblasts produce dentin. Cement is a part of the complex tooth that covers the neck and the teeth root. It is a fibrous bone that is poorly linked to dentines through collagen fibers in bone cells (cementocytes and cementoblasts).


The components of the teeth can be divided into organic and inorganic from a chemical point of view. During tooth development, the content of organic substances varies. Immature enamel contains 50% organic material and 50% mineral components. In comparison to this, the mineral components of the adult enamel constitute 96% of the material, while the remaining components (approximately 3.5%) constitute organic material. Dentins contain more organic substances (20-25%), and they account for 60-65% of minerals. Organic acids, lipid components and monosaccharides are among the low molecular weight organic substances found in teeth. Citric, lactic and pyruvic acid are the most common organic acids. It is the result of the metabolism of teeth cell tissue. In the tooth tissue complexes of calcium ions, citrate, the end of the citrate cycle. In the glycolysi lactate and pyruvate are produced. Organic substances are a part of the mineral structures of the teeth at the end of teeth development. Calcium, phosphorous, carbonates, magnesium, fluorine and sodium are represented mainly inorganic substances. These are the fundamental components of the apatite buildings.  

Human enamel is the unique mineralized complex of hydroxyapatite (92 to 94 percent), water (2 to 3 percent), carbonate (2 percent) trace elements (sodium, magnesium, potassium, chloride, zinc; 1 percent), fluoride (0.01 to.05 percent), proteins and lipids. At least 40 trace elements in human enamel have so far been identified. Others (like strontium) can serve as environmental pollution indicators during the stomatological procedure. In addition, there are variations in the composition of the enamel caused by changes in the amounts of individual elements in various places on same Teeth. Fluorine, iron, lead, chlorine, calcium, carbonate, magnesium and sodium decreases in concentrations from the surface to the maximum of dentine-enamel. Calcium phosphate or calcium hydroxyapatite is the main inorganic component of dentin. Its structure and composition is similar to the one found in Earth's crust of apatite group minerals. The precise composition and crystalline structure of this bio-mineral is rather difficult to determine due to a small crystal size (50x 25x 4 nm). It mostly resembles the hydroxyapatite structure, but often incorporates non-calcium and phosphate components and molecules. Cement comprises inorganic (65%), organic (23%) and water (12%) materials. Hydroxyapatite is the major inorganic component. The crystals are small and fibular in structure. Organic components are mainly represented by type collagen. The inside of the tooth structure is pulp. Pulp has a rich blood and nervous supply that helps the sustaining of tooth vitality. Pulp is called a coronal pulp in the crown, while pulp is called a radicular pulp inside the roots. Pulp also consists of nerves, macrophages and nerve tissue. The pulp consists of the pulp. It is a soft and alive dented part of the tooth.

To know more

What is organic and inorganic compounds?


Write three three examples of organic and inorganic compounds


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