Organisations which are owned by government
are called government owned corporations. example, Bharat heavy electricals
air India etc
This is a world-wide list of government-owned companies. This list can be considered as non-exhaustive because of lack of space and time. For example, China alone has in the database as of October 2019 more than 350 individual entries in its "Government-owned companies of China" Category page.
The paragraph that follows was paraphrased from a 1996 GAO report which investigated only the 20th-century American experience. The GAO report did not consider the potential use in the international forum of SOEs as extensions of a nation's foreign policy utensils. A government-owned corporation is a legal entity that undertakes commercial activities on behalf of an owner government. Their legal status varies from being a part of government to stock companies with a state as a regular stockholder. There is no standard definition of a government-owned corporation (GOC) or state-owned enterprise (SOE), although the two terms can be used interchangeably. The defining characteristics are that they have a distinct legal form and that they are established to operate in commercial affairs. While they may also have public policy objectives, GOCs should be differentiated from other forms of government agencies or state entities established to pursue purely non-financial objectives.[1]
Afghanistan Edit
In 2009, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan formed the Afghan Public Protection Force (APPF) as a "state owned enterprise" subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior. By Presidential Decree, the APPF is mandated to replace all non-diplomatic private security companies by 20 March 2013 to become the sole provider of pay-for-service security contracts within Afghanistan.[2]
Albania Edit
Posta Shqiptare
Air Albania (51%; 49% Turkish Airlines)
Algeria Edit
Air Algérie
Argentina Edit
Administración de Infraestructura Ferroviaria
Administración de Recursos Humanos Ferroviarios
Administración General de Puertos Sociedad del Estado
Aerolíneas Argentinas
Aguas y Saneamientos Argentinos
Astilleros TANDANOR
Austral Líneas Aéreas - Cielos del Sur
Banco de Inversiones y Comercio Exterior
Banco de la Nación Argentina
Banco Hipotecario
Casa de la Moneda
Combustibles Nucleares Argentinos CONUARSA
Compañía Nacional del Mercado Mayorista de Electricidad CAMMESA
Construcción de Viviendas de la Armada COVIARA
Contenidos Públicos
Corporación del Mercado Central de Buenos Aires
Corporación Interestadual Pulmarí
Corporación Puerto Madero
Corredores Argentinos
Correo Argentino
Dioxitek S.A. [es] [es]
Emprendimientos Energéticos Binacionales
Empresa Argentina de Navegación Aérea
Empresa de Cargas Aéreas del Atlántico Sud
Empresa Neuquina de Ingeniería Nuclear
Energía Argentina S.A ENARSA
Fábrica Argentina de Aviones
Fabricaciones Militares
Ferrocarriles Argentinos
Fondo de Capital Social S.E
Investigaciones Aplicadas INVAP S.E
Líneas Aéreas del Estado LADE
Nucleoeléctrica Argentina
Operadora Ferroviaria
Polo Tecnológico Constituyentes
Radio de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Radio y Televisión Argentina
Radio y Televisión de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Soluciones Satelitales Argentinas ARSAT
Yacimientos de Agua de Dionisio
Yacimientos Carboniferos Río Turbio
YPF Tecnología
Australia Edit
Defence Housing Australia
Main article: State-owned enterprises of Australia
Austria Edit
ÖBB (national railway system of Austria, administrator of Liechtenstein's railways)
ASFINAG (Autobahn and highway financing, building, maintaining and administration)
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International: Austria nationalised this bank in 2009, and in 2014 its then-Chancellor feared its insolvency might have a similar effect to the Creditanstalt event of 1931.[3]
Verbund 51% SOE (electricity generator and provider)