Science, asked by 180764, 7 months ago

organisms that live in or near the host and obtain their nutrition from the host are called...1- saprophytes 2- autotrophs 3 - heterotrophs 4- parasites​


Answered by Glorious31

\large{\boxed{\rm{ (4) Parasites}}}

Parasites are the organisms that are heterotrophic i.e cannot make their own food and hence depend on the host for the food. This mode of nutrition is called parasitic mode of nutrition. The host is harmed by the parasite in this activity.

Some examples of parasites are :

  • Tapeworm
  • Threadworm
  • Hookworm
  • Flea

Supplementary information :

  • Saprophytes are the organisms that live and feed on dead and decaying matter. Examples :
  1. Fungi
  2. Molds
  3. Mushrooms
  • Autotrophes are the beings that can make their own food. Examples :
  1. Plants
  • Heterotrophs are the organisms that depend upon others for thier nutrition. Examples :
  1. Animals
  2. Humans
  3. Birds

Answered by ItzUnic0rns

Organisms that live in or near the host and obtain their nutrition from the host are called 4-parasites.

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