Physics, asked by Harishyadavg9199, 10 months ago

Orientation of nlc molecules and the corresponding refractive indices


Answered by Vithruxx

Context 1

... authors mainly analyze planar and homeotropic orientations of the director in adjacent regions of the element. The operation principle of such commutators is based on total internal reflection from the refractive interface of the wave whose electric- field vector E oscillations take place along the OX-direction ( E||OX, vertically polarized wave, Fig. 3) [7]. Though recently a group of researchers has developed planar two-domain LC elements offering polarization separation of the beams [8], the fabrication process of these LC elements could not afford a low level of crosstalk. A light beam could not reach the output facet of the element, being significantly scattered by ...

Context 2

... radiation from the dynamic interface between two NLC regions with different director orientations. To realize total internal reflection of the vertically polarized light wave from the refractive interface of a two-domain LC element, one can use the geometry with planar and homeotropic orientations of the director in the adjacent regions ( Fig. 3а). When a wave with the electric field vector E||OX is propagating in the region of the homeotropic director orientation an extraordinary wave is excited, the refractive index of the region is ne. In the adjacent region with a planar molecular orientation along the OZ-direction an ordinary wave is excited, the refractive index of the ...

Context 3

... elements with planar and homeotropic director orientations (Fig. 3а) were manufactured in accordance with the process shown in Fig. 1. An opaque conducting layer of chromium was partially etched from a half of the lower substrate. The initial planar director orientation n||OZ over the whole plane surface of the element was specified by mechanical rubbing technique. Planar and homeotropic director ...

Context 4

... realize TIR of a horizontally polarized wave from the interface, it is appropriate to use the topology with a planar perpendicular orientation of the molecular LC director in the halves of the element, as shown in Fig. 3b. In the beam incidence region the polarization vector E of a light wave and the LC director n make an angle α different from 0 • and 90 • and hence the domain is determined by the effective index of refraction n ef varying over the range [n o ..n e ] and given by the following ...

Context 5

... above-mentioned variants of the director orientation geometries in the adjacent regions (planar/homeotropic and also planar/orthogonal) offer the possibility to develop LC devices for separation of polarized light beams. Combination of the two director orientation geometries shown in Figs. 3а, b, in electrically- controlled LC elements makes it possible to realize not only beam separation (when a light wave, obliquely incident on the interface at an angle exceeding the critical angle, in one polarization state is subjected to TIR and in the orthogonal polarization state passes the interface without variations in the .

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