English, asked by tohidulseikh36, 3 months ago

OSMANIA HIGH MADRASAH F.M: 25 Sub: English Roll No. Sec: Assignment: 2/2021 Class: VIII Name: A. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below: in 1920, when I was still only three my mother's eldest child, my own sister Astri, died from appendicitis. She was seven yea old when she died.Astri was far and away my father's favourite. He adored her beyond measure and her sudden death left h literally speechless for days afterwards.He was so overwhelmed with grief that when he himself went down with pneumon month or so afterwards he did not much care whether he lived or died. If they had penicillin in those days, neither appendi nor pneumonia would have been so much of a threat, but with no penicillin or any other magical antibiotic cures, pneum in particular was a very dangerous disease Indeed. The patient had to fight to survive My father refused to light. He thinkingI am quite sure, of his beloved daughter, and he was waiting to join her in heaven So he died. He was fifty seven old. 1x2.2 1. Tick the correct alternative: a) The narrator's father died from ---- 1) appendicitis il) pneumonia ) jaundice. b) Astri died in----) 1921 ) 1923 II) 1920. 1x3=3 2. Complete the following sentences with information from the text : a) But with no penicillin or any other magical antibiotic cures, pneumonia b)The narrator's father adored her beyond measure and her sudden death​


Answered by shreshtaram



Answered by avanthikasen2008


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