dial thaispellation : Erosion of loose rock particles by wind.
West A. Answer the following questions :
Bedrock: The rock of earth's crust that is below the soil agents as river systems, groundwater, glaciers, wind,
and basically unweathered; such solid crust sometimes
and waves.
is exposed as an outcrop.
Mechanical weathering : The breakdown of rock into
Corrasion : Corrosion of bedrock of a stream channel by smaller fragments by physical processes such as frost
chemical reaction between solutions in stream water and
wedging. Synonymous with disintegration.
mineral surfaces.
Zeugen : Tabular masses of resistant rocks found in the
desert. A form of wind crosion.
10. Name the factors responsible for chemical weathering,
1. Define weathering. How does it occur?
11. What is carbonation? Give fwo examples of the
2. Name the three types of weathering.
landforms formed by carbonation?
3. What do you understand by denudation?
12. How does chemical weathering take place?
1. How does frost cause weathering of rocks?
B. Define the following terms:
In what ways does atmosphere assist in weathering? 1. Oxidation
2. Solution
What is meant by chemical weathering?
3. Exfoliation
4. Weathering
5. Denudation
How does biological weathering take place?
What do you understand by mechanical weathering? C. Distinguish between the following pairs :
How does it take place?
1. Chemical and Mechanical Weathering
How does composition of rock affect mechanical 2. Weathering and Denudation
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