C. Write short answers.
1. What are the three factors that determine the type of house to be built?
2. Name any six materials used for building a house.
3. Before building a house, who makes the plan of the house?
4. Name three characteristics of a good house.
D. Answer these questions.
1. Houses in hot places need to be cool from inside. What are the special features
of such houses?
2. What are the special features of houses where it rains heavily?
3. How are the houses in the hills different from those in the plains?
1) The three most important factors are:
• The correct strength magnitude and type. Compressive. Tensile and shear. ...
• Durability. You need to use something that will last in the given environment.
• Cost. You can't build with something you can't afford.
2) Types of Building Materials Used in Construction
Natural Construction Materials. ...
•Fabric. ...
•Mud and clay. ...
•Rock. ...
•Thatch. ...
•Brush. ...
•Ice. ...
3) The construction process is most efficient and exciting if you first develop a good plan and find an honest, competent builder.
1) Various house modification including shading walls and celling vents make a significant differences.
2) The features that a house should have in areas where copious rains and resultant heavy water flow is expected:
As far as possible the site should be elevated one, preferably with a slant or slope for rain water to drain out as also to ensure that the house is not flooded in case of cloud burst. One should also guard against land slides (check soil) - both from below as also from above the house site.
The roof should be slanted like tiled roof with proper water proofing. The roof should have larger over-hang to ensure that outside walls are able to avoid rain lashing them continuously or at least receive as less rain as possible.
Internally, the flooring in the house should be slip-proof as also allow for water leakage, if any, to drain out quickly. Windows should be PVC made, (double?) glazing properly sealed with larger pergolas on the outside to avoid rain water coming in with wind.
Windows (and Doors) must have steel grills properly painted and weep holes. The drains should be large enough to absorb heavy rain water discharge.
Walls should be water-proofed from outside and the paint should be water repellent. Inside house also the paint should be such that it does not attract and retain dampness or catch mold. However, much depends on what you done to walls outside.
The above things are just illustrative, there are many other things that one needs to take care of. However, much depends on the location, average rainfall of the area, general rate of rain fall and wind speeds. However, there can never be 100% protection, but we can do well to visualize and plan basing on data that is accurate
3) The houses in the hilly areas have the roof top sloppy to prevent to collect the rain and snow. The houses in the plain areas use the concrete in making the house.