English, asked by tanvishnu56, 1 year ago

our civilization complete summary​


Answered by ambilykj


summary of "our own civilization"

In this chapter author wants to tell us that modern man uses many complicted machines like alarm clock, electric ketle, safety razor.

So according to author man is depend on machines in countless way.

But this does not mean that we are totally depended on machines and we are lazy.

According to author the machines are our extra limbs and machines like typewriters and printing machines are our extra brains to save us the trouble of remembering. Man is the most restless and energetic of all creatures.

But Man has invented these machines because he has got bored doing his work. He wants to save his time and energy for other things.

Our civilization has some good parts like order & Security.If there is no order in society the inventor would not invent and the scientist would not find out. It means Civilization would be impossible without order & Security.

According to author Ancient civilizations were specialised and limited. It has certain areas while modern civilization is a far flung thing It covers almost the whole world.

Now the world is becoming a single place because we use many things in our daily life and these things come from different parts of the world.

But we may expect the danger that is not from outside and uncivilized people but from within

. Now the world is still divided into different states. These are political divisions so risk of war is here. Two world wars have already done. And in the present day war can start from anywhere and anytime.

Our chief hope for preventing war is setting up a government for the whole world.

Man has a lot of knowledge but he does not know how to use the immense power of science.

We have invented a lot of machines and made machines our masters. And we are depended on machines.

We make machines to save our time and energy and we use this time and energy to make more machines.

But we are not trying to be civilized. We should remove our poverty then our civilization will be the best civilization.


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