English, asked by arnavnai, 7 months ago

Our country is facing a great problem of corona virus infection write a letter to the editor sharing the seriousness of the pendamic and its preventive measures


Answered by rk094198

Answer:Regarding your full page Need-to-Know on page A9 of March 7 which gives information on the extent of the coronavirus and its symptoms.

I am not panicking about the coronavirus. I am 71 years and of the most vulnerable population, but have not done anything to change my habits or lifestyle. But I am deeply concerned about the advice given in the smallest letters at the bottom of the information.

It says that a person should ask to be tested ONLY if they have the symptoms (same as flu and/ or respiratory virus with fever) AND if they have recently traveled to an affected country or had contact with an infected person. Look, these symptoms can be mild, so that half the country could have the coronavirus and think they have a cold or flu.

If we only test this narrowly defined group, we will miss any epidemic until it is full blown. We will probably only end up testing those who are hospitalized and on the edge of death.

We need to engage in broad scale testing to isolate the infected and to prepare for the possibility of an epidemic. I have read that the tests can be manufactured easily and administered easily. Please report on this approach rather than just parroting the CDC.

Frances Moyer


Answered by drishtiagrawal2009


Address:Patna, Bihar


Date:26th April 2020

To editor,

A very good morning. As a person of india I am writing this letter to you for sharing the seriousness of this pandemic as our country is facing a great problem of Corona virus infection. This virus is very dangerous as many deaths have occurred.There are many people who are lying on the roads and suffering. There are some people who are spreading this virus as people are going to Masjid and they are not following the instructions and steps taken by the government. My view is not only for the Muslims but also for the Indians because some people are ordering pizza, dresses online which will help Corona to spread fastly.

There are many preventions to stop the spread of this pandemic, we should wash our hands for 20 seconds in every 1 hour. We should not have junk food, or food items made of maida because we have to keep our immune system healthy. We should avoid close distance and not gather at some places. We should wear masks when we go outside to buy something and always send any one person of your family to buy things.Keep handkerchief or towel while sneezing or coughing. And the main thing stay home is the best way to be safe.

In my opinion it is better that we should obey the measures offered by our PM.

Lastly I want to say that thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain our experience in this lockdown and the thing we realise is this situation has given us energy and make us strong and brave to solve the problems in our future. It has told us that we were not spending enough time with our family but now a days we busy talking to our family and friends which is a good thing.Thank you

Name:Drishti Agrawal

Address:DDSPL Banjari,Rohtas, Bihar, India


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