English, asked by ishveenn, 10 months ago

Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds. Narrate an incident to support this statement.
Best answer will be marked brainliest and please try to make ur own, not to cheat from net.​


Answered by Agastya0606


Once a college student, named Robert, thought that he would be the topper of his stream in his college. He studied day and night, prepared for everything he could. He would wake up at dawn and study till the owl of the night begs him to stop. Robert would not get any sleep and his body deteriorated with each passing hour.

One day, when he was studying by the window, a large stone flew through it breaking the glass pane. A paper was tied to the stone. Robert untied and opened it to find a challenge written, "You think you are some intelligent fellow, huh? I bet you would stop saying that to yourself when I beat in the exams, and be the one and only topper of the college."

It was a threat from his rival. There was another boy from his class who hated him like anything. Robert knew it very well but he could not care less. So he tore the sheet and went back to study again.

Days passed by but the threats did not stop flying through his window. He did not pay any attention to that and welcomed the examinations with all his might.

The results came out and Robert came the first in all the departments. And his rival was caught cheating in the exam hall on the last day. He was disqualified and suspended.

Moral: Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds.

Answered by Sidyandex


Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds- this is a simple phase having a deep meaning.

If you decide your deeds to be good then you will also become good.

Here is an example to explain the same, I decided to help a boy who was crying.

He had lost his ball while playing.

So I decided to help him.

The boy was happy to get back is ball.

The good I did come back to me when I was in my school looking for help .

To my amazement, the boy who never liked me came for my help.

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