Our school's Eco Club conducted a seminar on "Greening in Schools". Prepare a press release about the seminar held in the school courtyard. plz answer
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When approaching the analysis with an open mind, it becomes clear: greening schools might be the most cost-effective path toward improving school performance. In fact, it might be the only educational achievement enhancing path that is also "profitable" (due to energy and operational cost benefits) even without considering the secondary (job creation, student/teacher health) and tertiary (pollution levels, capacity building for energy efficiency and other "green" across the country) benefits.
— A. Siegel
Greening your school means transforming all three aspects of your educational system:
Each aspect relates to a Green School goal:
Ecological Literacy (greening curriculum and professional development)
Every student and every teacher will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic patterns and processes by which Nature sustains life, and how these ecological concepts relate to sustainable human communities.
School greening involves every member of a school community:
staff (secretaries, teaching assistants, cleaning staff, school bus drivers, cafeteria workers, security guards)
visitors (delivery people, guest speakers, attendees at school dances or athletic events, facilities renters)
school board trustees
Green School advisors or mentors