Our Science teacher told us
about the disease. which. us
Caused Jay. the deficiency of vitamin c and due to which wounds take longer time to heel and bellding of gumes occur name of this disease?
Historic, archived document
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scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.
World Agricultural
Television debut
O. E. BAKER, professor of geography
., at University of Maryland, recently pub-
lished a stimulating article on this gen-
•- *<?ral subject in "Maryland," the univer-
sity's alumni publication, edited by
r-i Reuben Brigham's son, David L. Dr.
Baker estimates that it would be possible
- to increase the world's crop production
^ at least 75 percent by putting to crop use
all land that could and should be cul-
. , tivated, and by such application of scien-
tific knowledge to agricultural technol-
ogy as would, increase acre yields 40 or
50 percent.
* He remarks that, whereas Canada and
the United States combined have about
3V2 acres of cropland per person, of which
3 are required for domestic consumption,
1 the U. S. S. R. has 2 acres, Europe, ex-
cluding U. S. S. R., only about 1 acre,
China a half- acre per person — which,
' however, often produces two crops an-
nually — and Japan but a quarter-acre,
* which is farmed most intensively. The
Orient adjusts by using little meat, few
' eggs, and practically no milk, on the well-
known theory that it requires 3 or 4 times
'as much land to produce the same num-
ber of calories from animals as man
would require using cereals directly.
Dr. Baker also reminds us that if we
could live on sugar alone, a quarter-acre
>fof sugarcane or sugar beets would suffice
us each for calories, or two-thirds of an
"*acre of corn or of potatoes. But when
corn is transformed into pork and lard,
" fully 3 acres are needed to provide ade-
quate calories per person, whereas IMj
acres of wheat would do the job, if con-
,.. sumed directly.
Dr. Baker sees twice as many people
i in the Orient a century hence as today, a
half billion more in U. S. S. R. and
«r satellites, but far fewer in the remainder
of Europe, and only 100 million in the
* U. S.
(The Editor of USD A has a few copies of
'' this article if you want to write in for one.)
. . 771163° — 47
night blindness is the correct answer
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