English, asked by chamanhaldar93, 8 months ago

Our ship had barely reached the thick ice of the Antarctica when hurrying to meet us, came the smaller penguins, those amusing birds which looks so much like little fat men with black tail coats and big white shirt fronts .It was not until later that we saw an emperor penguin . When he arrived, it was with dignity, his bright orange head shaking sideways with the wise and knowing air. He was as tall as heavy as many a boy of twelve. The Adelie penguins ,weighing about sixteen pounds each, were standing on a ledge overhanging the sea. They presented an amusing sight. They wanted to dive, but were prevented by fear of a possible lurking enemy. Penguins, these unusual birds, lost the ability to fly millions of years ago. Their wings developed into flippers ,which serve as paddles in the water. These flippers, and the webbed feet, make them marvelous swimmers and divers. This helps them to catch fish which are their staple food. Even as we watched, one Adelie penguin fell off the sea ledge into the water. The others peered down and when they saw no sea lion lurking in the waters, they all dived in. Plz make this paragraph into one third .... i.e. summary of this paragraph.❗❕​


Answered by ishakhan


this paragraph is related about the penguins that hows they lost the ability to fly..but their flipper is best for swimming and catching fishes..

Answered by deepaksbhalekar30


Our ship had barely reached the thick ice of the Antarctica when hurrying to meet us, came the smaller penguins, those amusing birds which looks so much like little fat men with black tail coats and big white shirt fronts .It was not until later that we saw an emperor penguin . When he arrived, it was with dignity, his bright orange head shaking sideways with the wise and knowing air. He was as tall as heavy as many a boy of twelve. The Adelie penguins ,weighing about sixteen pounds each, were standing on a ledge overhanging the sea. They presented an amusing sight. They wanted to dive, but were prevented by fear of a possible lurking enemy. Penguins, these unusual birds, lost the ability to fly millions of years ago. Their wings developed into flippers ,which serve as paddles in the water. These flippers, and the webbed feet, make them marvelous swimmers and divers. This helps them to catch fish which are their staple food. Even as we watched, one Adelie penguin fell off the sea ledge into the water. The others peered down and when they saw no sea lion lurking in the waters, they all dived in. Plz make this paragraph into one third .... i.e. summary of this paragraph.❗❕


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