Our understanding of the history of the central Islamic lands between 600 and 1200 is based on chronicles and semi-historical works. Elaborate.
Our understanding of the history of the central Islamic lands between 600 and 1200 is based on chronicles and semi-historical works. Elaborate.
AS we enter the twenty-first century, there are over 1 billion
Muslims living in all parts of the world. They are citizens
of different nations, speak different languages, and dress
differently. The processes by which they became Muslims
were varied, and so were the circumstances in which they
went their separate ways. Yet, the Islamic community has its
roots in a more unified past which unfolded roughly 1,400
years ago in the Arabian peninsula. In this chapter we are
going to read about the rise of Islam and its expansion over a
vast territory extending from Egypt to Afghanistan, the core
area of Islamic civilisation from 600 to 1200. In these
centuries, Islamic society exhibited multiple political and
cultural patterns. The term Islamic is used here not only in
its purely religious sense but also for the overall society and
culture historically associated with Islam. In this society not
everything that was happening originated directly from
religion, but it took place in a society where Muslims and
their faith were recognised as socially dominant. Non-Muslims
always formed an integral, if subordinate, part of this society
as did Jews in Christendom.