Chemistry, asked by joji3855, 1 year ago

Out of 2p and 3s which has larger energy


Answered by BigSmoke
The energy concept of above orbitals are in accordance with n+l rule. Whichever orbital will have greater n+l value will have larger energy.

2p has 2+1 = 3
3s has 3+0 =3

As the above has same no. of n+l value then energy level will be determined by the value of n. If value of n is smaller then it will be filled first and also it less energy than upcoming orbitals.

Therefore 3s has larger energy than 2p.

Hope you get your answer
Answered by MacTavish343


in a multi electron atom the energy of an electron depends upon the value of principal quantum number and azimuthal quantum number.

the relative order of energies of various sub shell in a multi electron atom can be predicted with the help of n+l rule or bohr bury rule!!

For 2p, n+l= 2+1= 3

For 3s, n+l = 3+0 = 3
both have same energies
now we have look the value of n higher the value of principal quantum number higher the energy of the shell

Hence, energy of 3s is greater than 2p
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