Out of a swarm of bees, one fifth settled on a blossom of Rose, and one third on a flower of Sun flower, and three times the difference of those numbers flew to the bloom of a marigold. One bee, which remained hovered and flew about in the air, allured at the same moment by the pleasing fragrance of a jasmine and pandanus. What are the number of bees? Give one useful product made from each of the three flowers for our daily needs.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let the swarm of bees be x
Bees on the blossom of rose = 1/5 * x
Bees on the Sunflower = 1/3 * x
Bees that flew to Marigold = 3 * (1/3 – 1/5)
3 * (5 – 3 ) /15 = 3 * 2/15 = 2/5
Hovering bee = 1
1/5x + 1/3x + 2/5 + 1 = x
(3x + 5x + 6x + 15) / 15 = x
(14x + 15) / 15 = x
14x + 15 = 15x
15x – 14x = 15
X = 15
The number of bees is 15.
b) Roses are used for making perfume. Sunflower seeds are used to extract oil that is used for cooking. Marigold oil is extracted from marigold flower, has healing properties and is thus used in making ointments, creams and salves.
Secondary School
answered • expert verified
Out of a swarm of bees, one fifth settled on a blossom of Rose, and one third on a flower of Sun flower, and three times the difference of those numbers flew to the bloom of a marigold. One bee, which remained hovered and flew about in the air, allured at the same moment by the pleasing fragrance of a jasmine and pandanus. What are the number of bees?
Give one useful product made from each of the three flowers for our daily needs.
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Let the swarm of bees be x
Bees on the blossom of rose = 1/5 * x
Bees on the Sunflower = 1/3 * x
Bees that flew to Marigold = 3 * (1/3 – 1/5)
3 * (5 – 3 ) /15 = 3 * 2/15 = 2/5
Hovering bee = 1
1/5x + 1/3x + 2/5 + 1 = x
(3x + 5x + 6x + 15) / 15 = x
(14x + 15) / 15 = x
14x + 15 = 15x
15x – 14x = 15
X = 15
The number of bees is 15.