Out of principal, angular, magnetic and spin quantum number, which quantum number determines the?
i) Shape of the orbital
ii) Number of orbitals in an orbit
iii) Size of the orbital
iv) Spin orientation of the electron
It is the angular momentum quantum number that determines the shape of the orbital·
The magnetic quantum number determines the number of orbitals in an orbit·
It is the principal quantum number that determines the size of the orbital·
It is the spin quantum number that determines the spin orientation of the electron·
We know that the atomic orbitals are fixed pathways where the electrons are surrounding the nucleus of an atom in a circular motion· These orbitals and their characteristic features are governed usually by different types of quantum number·
Angular momentum quantum number
Angular momentum quantum number is denoted by the letter l· It usually determines the shape of the orbital· It can have values from l to l where n is the principal quantum number·
Magnetic quantum number
The magnetic quantum number is denoted by the letter where l is the angular quantum number· It usually determines the number of orbitals in an orbit and their orientation· The can have the values from to
Principal quantum number
The principal quantum number is denoted by the letter n· It usually determines the size of the orbital· It can have any integer value but not any fraction·
Spin quantum number
The spin quantum number is denoted by the letter It usually determines the spin orientation of the electron· We know that the spin angular moment can have two orientations· One is spin up ↑ and the other is spin down ↓· It can have the value and ·
(i)(i) It is the angular momentum quantum number that determines the shape of the orbital·
(ii)(ii) The magnetic quantum number determines the number of orbitals in an orbit·
(iii)(iii) It is the principal quantum number that determines the size of the orbital·
(iv)(iv) It is the spin quantum number that determines the spin orientation of the electron·
We know that the atomic orbitals are fixed pathways where the electrons are surrounding the nucleus of an atom in a circular motion· These orbitals and their characteristic features are governed usually by different types of quantum number·
(a)(a) Angular momentum quantum number
Angular momentum quantum number is denoted by the letter l· It usually determines the shape of the orbital· It can have values from l == 00 to l =\ n-l= n−l where n is the principal quantum number·
(b)(b) Magnetic quantum number
The magnetic quantum number is denoted by the letter m_lm
where l is the angular quantum number· It usually determines the number of orbitals in an orbit and their orientation· The m_lm
can have the values from -l−l to +l.+l.
(c)(c) Principal quantum number
The principal quantum number is denoted by the letter n· It usually determines the size of the orbital· It can have any integer value but not any fraction·
(d)(d) Spin quantum number
The spin quantum number is denoted by the letter m_s.m
. It usually determines the spin orientation of the electron· We know that the spin angular moment can have two orientations· One is spin up ↑ and the other is spin down ↓· It can have the value