Outline one possible process for implementing a plan for environmental sustainability. Please select no more than three significant phases in implementation.
The first step in EMS planning is to decide why you are pursuing the development of an EMS. Are you trying to improve your environmental performance (e.g., compliance with regulations or prevent pollution)? Write your goals down and refer back to them frequently as you move forward. As you design and implement the EMS, ask the following questions: How is this task going to help us achieve our goals? How should we define the project scope? (i.e., What is the "organization" that the EMS will cover? One location or multiple locations? Should we "pilot" the EMS at one location then implement the system at other locations later?)
Step 2: Secure Top Management Commitment
One of the most critical steps in the planning process is gaining top management's commitment to support EMS development and implementation. Management must first understand the benefits of an EMS and what it will take to put an EMS in place. To develop this understanding, explain the strengths and limitations of your current approach and how those limitations can affect the organization's financial and environmental performances. Management also has a role in ensuring that the goals for the EMS are clear and consistent with other organizational goals. Management's commitment should be communicated across the organization.
Step 3: Select An EMS Champion
Not all small or medium-sized organizations have the luxury of choosing among multiple candidates, but your choice of project champion is critical. The champion should have the necessary authority, an understanding of the organization, and project management skills. The champion should be a "systems thinker" (ISO 9000 or ISO 14001 experience can be a plus, but is not necessary), should have the time to commit to the EMS-building process, and must have top management support.
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