English, asked by krishikhamugunthan, 5 months ago

Outlines : Saccda's mother-ailing for a long xpriabrt advised her to set in sun
Golden Workbook
Practice Paper 3
7. Complete the story on the basis of given outlines.
every morning-Cloudy skysaceda requested sunrays-sunrays appeared-mother
enjoyed sunshine-recovered.
(8 marks)


Answered by wajahatkincsem


Saeed's mother was sick and her body needed the warmth and heat of sun rays.


  • The weather was cloudy and there were no sun rays.
  • Saeed's requested the sun to show up so that sunrays provide heat to her mother's body.
  • One day, the sun showed up and she was very happy. Her mother was better that day.
  • She requested the sun to come on the next day with lots of sunrays.
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