oxidation effects in daily life
Reaction in Everyday Life. ... 1)Rancidity of food:It is a slow oxidation of oils and fats present in food material resulting in some bad small and taste. Rancidity Of food can be prevented by: 1)Adding Anit-Oxidants to food containing fats and oils
Effects of oxidation Reaction in Everyday Life
1)Rancidity of food:It is a slow oxidation of oils and fats present in food material resulting in some bad small and taste.
Rancidity Of food can be prevented by:
1)Adding Anit-Oxidants to food containing fats and oils.
(BHA-Butylated Hydroxy Anisole)
(BHT-Butylated Hydroxy Toulene)
2)By packing fat and oil containing food in nitrogen gas.
3)By keeping food in refrigerator.
4)By storing food in air tight containers.
5)By storing food away from light.