Biology, asked by Harshita8487, 4 months ago

Oxidization as well as for induction of molecules in which metabolic process occurs production of molecules occurs in which metabolic process


Answered by gsugumargsgsugumar


To do this it uses oxidation and reduction reactions. ... These reactions, which collectively are referred to as redox reactions, occur in cellular respiration, which is the process of oxidizing food molecules to make energy.

Answered by omsonawane1704

A metabolic reaction network represents (a subset of) all metabolic reactions that occur inside a cell (Van Impe et al., 2013). In these networks, mint intracellular and mext extracellular metabolites are connected to each other through n reactions, which can be intracellular reactions or exchange reactions between the cell and the environment. The reaction rates of these reactions, the so called fluxes, are summarized in the (n × 1) flux vector v [mol/(gDW∙h)]. Growth of the cell is represented as a pseudo-reaction to biomass, which is defined as an extracellular compound, yielding mext + 1 extracellular metabolites in total. All reactions are classified as reversible or irreversible, based on thermodynamic information. All this information is represented by the stoichiometric matrix S, which contains the stoichiometric reaction coefficients. This matrix can be subdivided intoSint, Sext and Sbio, which are the row(s) corresponding to intracellular and extracellular metabolites, and biomass, respectively.

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