Biology, asked by ranjitkakde233, 4 months ago

oxygen and carbon dioxide are prasent in nature but we cat breath only oxygen. why????​


Answered by 2008sourabhkumar2008


WE ALLBREATHE. We draw air into our lungs and then puff it out again.The air we breathe is one-fifth oxygen (OK-sih-jen), and it is these atoms of oxygen that we use. We combineoxygen with substances in the body that contain carbon (KAHR-bon) and hydrogen (HY-druh-jen). The carbon

combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (KAHR-bon-dy-OK-side). The hydrogen combines with oxygen to

form water.When we breathe out, then, the air from our lungs is missing some of the oxygen it had when we breathed in. Instead,

we breathe out carbon dioxide and water vapor. This process is called respiration (RES-pih-RAY-shun), from Latinwords meaning “to breathe over and over.”

We’re breathing all the time. So are all people and all other animals. People and other animals have been breathing

for many millions of years. Why hasn’t all the oxygen in the air been used up by now?Why hasn’t it all been replacedby carbon dioxide and water?And how about the substances in the body that provide carbon and hydrogen? If we keep combining them with the oxygen we breathe, why don’t we use them up?To replace the carbon and hydrogen, we eat food that contains those atoms. But where does the carbon andhydrogen in the food come from? We eat different kinds of plants, such as fruits and vegetables. We also eat animals,such as cattle, hogs, and chickens that, in turn, eat plants. The carbon and hydrogen, in the end, come from plants,which end up as food for all the animals of the world, one way or another.But where do the plants get the carbon and hydrogen? They don’t eat.Those are the two big questions: How do we breathe without using up all the air? How do we eat without using upall the food?Plants are easier to study than air is. At least you can see plants and watch them grow. They won’t grow unless youplant them in soil and water them. It seems, therefore, that either soil or water (or both) has to turn into plant material as plants grow.In 1643, a Belgian scientist, Jan Baptista van Hel-mont (HEL-mont, 1577-1644), thought he would decide thematter by experiment. He weighed out a quantity of soil and planted a willow tree in it. He kept the pot of soil coveredso that nothing could get into it except the water he put in himself. He watered that tree for five years and then carefullyuprooted it and knocked all the soil off the roots back into the pot.Helmont found that the willow tree weighed 164 pounds, but the soil had lost only two ounces. He decided that it was not the soil that turned into plant material. It was the water.In Helmont’s time, however, it was not known that different kinds of atoms exist indifferent materials. Helmontdidn’t know that water contains onlyhydrogen and oxygen atoms, while plants contain hydrogen, oxygen, and carbonatoms.But then, soil and water were not the only things that touched the willow tree Helmont had grown. Air had touchedit, too, but Helmont didn’t take that into account. Hardly anyone did in those days.You can’t see or feel air, so people usually ignored it Yet Helmont did study air, though not in connection with his willow tree. He was the first to notice that there aredifferent kinds of air. Because the different airs are invisible and don’t have any shape, Helmont thought they resembledsomething the ancient Greeks called chaos (KAY-os), meaning all jumbled up and shapeless. Helmont pronounced the

word in his own language and it became gas. To this day, we speak of air and other air like substances as gases.Helmont found that when he burned wood, a gas quite different from ordinary air was produced. Things wouldn’tburn in this gas from wood as they would burn in air. The new gas dissolved in water, which ordinary air would not. Thegas Helmont studied is the one we now call carbon dioxide.

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Answered by renu20jan2018


because oxygen is very important for human during respiration. when oxygen and food (glucose) interact with each other it gives out energy which is very important for us

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