English, asked by ssofiyvasum, 1 year ago

Ozymandias' and 'Not Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments' are on Time. Compare the two sonnets in terms of the way in which Time is treated by the poets. Write your answer in about 150 words PLZ COMPLEATE THIS! THUMBS UP SURE!! All of these poets talk about the destructive power of time. There are two completely different ways that you can look at the cruel power of time. One is where time can mature and enrich people or wine, generally a good view of time. The other is where time destroys everything in its path, like the fall of an empire. Poems under consideration focus on the destructive power of time. It is believed that the passage of time is a destructive force and that the poems using that view are better as they are more powerful and display strong images about time(to be continued)


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Both the sonnets describe time’s power and sway over all the entities of life. Time is the supreme and immortal king who dominates everything. In the sonnet 'Not Marble Nor the Gilded Monuments', Shakespeare glorifies poetry and art. According to him time and war can destroy everything, but not poetry and art. Many gory wars have been fought in the world since the beginning of civilization. Towns, cities, kingdoms, and countries were destroyed in those wars. But time could not destroy poetry and art; the most ancient poetry and art exist till present times. So, the poet decides to immortalizes his friend in the sonnet 'Not Marble Nor the Gilded Monuments' According to him death won't be able to have any control over his friend's destiny; nor shall any enemy be able to do him any harm. The praises of his noble deeds will be read and admired by the coming generations. The coming generations of mankind will remember the memory of his loving and kind deeds in their memories by reading the rhymes created by the poet. Thus the memory of his friend will remain alive for ever until the Judgement Day.

However, in the poem ‘Ozymandias’, P.B. Shelley only describes the omnipotence of time. It has the power to turn the mightiest of kings like Ozymandias and all their kingdoms into ruins and ashes. In this poem the poet does not talk about poetry or any other art’s superiority over time. In this poem time is all powerful. However, in Shakespeare’s poem poetry is more powerful than time. 

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