English, asked by kuldipkumarlch, 3 months ago

P. Choose the correct alternatives:
1. What is presently the goal of health care in the USA?
1 available to those who can afford it
2 to have a continuum of care for the patient
3. a place where the sick can be housed and cured
4. economic good like a TV or VCR
2. A person who is trained in assessing what the patient's requirements for health care will be
after discharge from the hospital is known as:
1. Health care trained
2 Referral service provider
3. The discharge planner
4. None of the above
3. Amoral issue in America is
1. health insecurity
2 health care to be a basic right
3 health care available to those who can afford it
4. the lack of health care for all
4. The word 'assessing' means
1 estimating
2. discharging
3. requiring
4 All of the above
02. Srinagaraithile he he


Answered by sumitkumhar


fog v I don't want to do it all the

Answered by nishanirmal2005


requiring is a correct answer

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