English, asked by artikujur14992, 17 hours ago

D. Change the nouns in masculine gender in the following
gender. There can be more than one such noun in a sentence.
1. My grandfather went to a store that sells men's clothes,
buenos 3842
2. The king said that the prince would be the next ruler,
3. His uncle and his father spoke to the doctor.
1. The girl looked happily at the peacock.
5. You will never see a lion and a tiger together.
Underline the pronouns. Ider
1. A farmer and his wife had
2. The farmer and his wife
3. Once upon a time, there
red riding cloak.
4. There once lived a kis
5. The queen held the
6. 'Karuna, have you
7. My name is Taru
8. There is a wolfi
6. The cruel man shot the tiger.
7. The hero of the film received an award.
9. The seven little
8. The man placed his order with the waiter.
9. She is our Headmaster's daughter.
Words th
she, itar
10. The gentleman is well-mannered.
A. Rewrite thes
1. This is
11. The men were praying to their god.
2. Umag
3. The
12. The stallion jumped over the fence.
4. Fath
5. M.


Answered by manishayadav6b25


Change the nouns in masculine gender in the following

gender. There can be more than one such noun in a sentence.

1. My grandfather went to a store that sells men's clothes,


buenos 3842


2. The king said that the prince would be the next ruler,


3. His uncle and his father spoke to the doctor.

1. The girl looked happily at the peacock.

5. You will never see a lion and a tiger together.

Underline the pronouns. Ider

1. A farmer and his wife had

2. The farmer and his wife

3. Once upon a time, there

red riding cloak.

4. There once lived a kis

5. The queen held the


6. 'Karuna, have you

7. My name is Taru

8. There is a wolfi

6. The cruel man shot the tiger.

7. The hero of the film received an award.

9. The seven little

8. The man placed his order with the waiter.

9. She is our Headmaster's daughter.

Words th

she, itar

10. The gentleman is well-mannered.

A. Rewrite thes


1. This is

11. The men were praying to their god.

2. Umag

3. The

12. The stallion jumped over the fence.

4. Fath


5. M.


Answered by snagesh5858


it's too long


I don't know

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