Hindi, asked by anuragsoni08640, 2 months ago

पंडित अलोपीदीन मूर्छित होकर क्यो गिर पड़े ​


Answered by niluthegreatamor


पंडित अलोपदीन मूर्छित होकर इसलिए गिर पड़े क्योंकि मुंशी दरोगा मुंशी वंशीधर ने उन्हें हथकड़ी लगाने का आदेश दिया था।.

plz like and follow

Answered by alkakshl143

so answer is nothing this this answer is giving in your course book of this subject and I don't help you because the subject book was not I have so you can take help from your home and your course book so see carefully in your course book and find the answer of the question

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