Science, asked by bayucan136539141689, 1 month ago

Pa help namn po kailangan na po ehh



Answered by jayshrisingh183


1)Nemesis is a theoretical dwarf star thought to be a companion to our sun. The theory was postulated to explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in Earth's history. Scientists speculated that such a star could affect the orbit of objects in the far outer solar system, sending them on a collision course with Earth.

2)In Les époques de la nature (1778) Buffon discussed the origins of the solar system, speculating that the planets had been created by a comet's collision with the sun. He also suggested that the earth originated much earlier than 4004 BC, the date determined by Archbishop James Ussher. Basing his figures on the cooling rate of iron tested at his Laboratory the Petit Fontenet at Montbard, he calculated that the age of the earth was 75,000 years. Once again, his ideas were condemned by the Sorbonne, and once again he issued a retraction to avoid further problems.

3)Nebular hypothesis of Earth's origin: o The Nebular Hypothesis of the origin of the Earth was given by Laplace in 1796. o Laplace imagined that the planets had condensed from the primitive solar atmosphere.

o It was originally extended far beyond the

limits of the present-day system. o Our solar system formed at the same time as our Sun as described in the nebular hypothesis.

o The nebular hypothesis is the idea that a spinning cloud of dust made of mostly light elements, called a nebula, flattened into a protoplanetary disk, and became a solar system consisting of a star with orbiting planets.

• The stages of formation are o There was a Nebula formed by interstellar dust and cloud.

• The Nebula started to collapse and


o The nebula flattened into a disk called the Protoplanetary Disk.

o The solar system started forming

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