Hindi, asked by kraj432812, 5 months ago

पालमपुर गांव में भूमिहीन किसानों को किस प्रकार संघर्ष करना पड़ता था​


Answered by ayushraj7597



In life there occur many a time strange and unexpected things. They leave a permanent impact on the human being. Such a thing happened to me.

Once I was travelling in a passenger train which was passing through a tunnel. I was feeling a bit scared. When the tunnel was over, two strangers were sitting on my front seat. They were wrapped in an old black shawl such as you find in hilly areas. After some hesitation, I asked them where they were going. Perhaps they didn't want to talk to me.

Just then the train passed over an old bridge. The rumbling initiated our line of communication. I was puzzled when I found them talking in a strange language which I could not understand at all. I tried to watch them closely. Suddenly one of them started moving his hands in agitation. There was no other passenger in the compartment. The stranger raised his hands and began to shout. I was frightened. I started running in a frenzy. But then the inevitable happened. My friends srideep and saurav who were sitting in the next compartment, rushed towards me. I narrated them the entire incident. But when I turned back towards the strangers people in my compartment, but I have not been able to remove the image of the strange incident till date. Srideep and Saurav never tried to talk about that journey. Nor did I.



Tunnel — underground passage, सुरंग।

Wrapped — to roll, लपेटना।

Hesitation — an act of hesitating, हिचकिचाहट।

Rumbling — sound of friction, घर-घर की आवाज।

Initiated — began, आरम्भ की।

Agitation — (here) confusion, उलझन में।

Frenzy — a state of great excitement, fear, आवेश।


Answered by kritikagarg6119

  • पालमपुर गांव में भूमिहीन किसानों की स्थिति:
  • पालमपुर गाँव में भूमिहीन किसानों की स्थिति बहुत दयनीय थी। इसका कारण बेरोजगारी भी है और गरीबी भी। सबसे पहले चूंकि उनके पास जमीन नहीं थी, उन्हें दैनिक मजदूरी के काम में लगाया गया था जिसमें भुगतान किया जाने वाला वास्तविक पैसा 60-70 रुपये है लेकिन उन्हें केवल 30-40 रुपये दिया जाता था।
  • दूसरी बात यह है कि उनके पास अपनी बुनियादी जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए पर्याप्त पैसा नहीं था, वे साहूकारों से कर्ज प्राप्त करते हैं और वे इसे चुकाने में विफल रहते हैं जिसके कारण उन्होंने बहुत बुरी चरम सीमा तक अत्याचार किया है।
  • खेतिहर मजदूरों की समस्याएं हैं:
  • अपर्याप्त मजदूरी: सरकार ने न्यूनतम मजदूरी रुपये निर्धारित की है। ...
  • श्रम की उपलब्धता: श्रम की अत्यधिक उपलब्धता श्रमिकों को कम मजदूरी पर काम करने के लिए बाध्य करती है।
  • रोजगार की अवधिः श्रमिकों को कभी दैनिक वेतन पर तो कभी पूरे वर्ष के लिए नियोजित किया जाता है।


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