Hindi, asked by baraskarsatyam7, 8 months ago

प्र.18/- निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक पद्यांश की व्याख्या संदर्भ, प्रसंग एवं विशेष
सहित लिखिए.
सुबह की नींद
जागने से पहले की खुमारी
मँडरा रही है
और तुम्हारा मन
आतुर है कुलाँचे भरने।​


Answered by macharlasulochana3


vgufgcf hence bg tb h rj bt by t ttyl yh juvenile uneven hv hv


please follow me

Answered by shinchen08


The planets in our solar system orbit around the sun. One orbit of the Earth takes one year. Meanwhile, our entire solar system – our sun with its family of planets, moon, asteroid and comets – orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Our sun and solar system move at about about 500,000 miles an hour (800,000 km/hr) in this huge orbit. So in 90 seconds, for example, we all move some 12,500 miles (20,000 km) in orbit around the galaxy’s center.

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