प्र.३अ) सकयल दिल्ललो सुंिाि प राय करूुंन बरयात:- (३) मोहन: सोहन तूां खांय िचप क र िल ां? सोहन: मोहन: आयज बसीचो सांप. सोहन: मोहन: आत ां कसो ितलो? सोहन: it is konkani question
Lancelet Gobbo is debating with himself whether he should leave his master, the ‘fiend’ and ‘devil’ Shylock, when he meets his blind father, Old Gobbo, who fails to recognise him. Young Gobbo pretends to be some-one else and tells his father that Lancelet is dead. After much confusion, Lancelet confesses his true identity and explains that he has run away from Shylock. He tells his father to give the present meant for Shylock to Bassanio instead. Bassanio enters the scene, receives Old Gobbo’s present and agrees to take on Lancelet as his servant. Bassanio issues orders for his departure to Belmont and warns Gratiano to moderate his behaviour if he wants to accompany him.
Lancelet Gobbo is debating with himself whether he should leave his master, the ‘fiend’ and ‘devil’ Shylock, when he meets his blind father, Old Gobbo, who fails to recognise him. Young Gobbo pretends to be some-one else and tells his father that Lancelet is dead. After much confusion, Lancelet confesses his true identity and explains that he has run away from Shylock. He tells his father to give the present meant for Shylock to Bassanio instead. Bassanio enters the scene, receives Old Gobbo’s present and agrees to take on Lancelet as his servant. Bassanio issues orders for his departure to Belmont and warns Gratiano to moderate his behaviour if he wants to accompany him.