Art, asked by royishita291, 1 month ago

प्रागैतिहासिक शैल चित्रों पर संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखें​


Answered by Anonymous

प्रागैतिहासिक: अत्यंत प्राचीन, अतीत यानी बीते हुए काल जिसके लिये न तो कोई पुस्तक और न ही कोई लिखित दस्तावेज़ उपलब्ध है, को प्रागैतिहासिक (Prehistoric) कहा जाता है। प्रागैतिहासिक चित्रों को आमतौर पर चट्टानों पर बनाया जाता था और इन शैल उत्कीर्णन को शैलोत्कीर्ण (Petroglyphs) कहा जाता है।

Answered by xXbrainlykibacchiXx


A survey of 2,000 Americans pinpointed respondents' favorite heroes, and Superman led the pack with 47 percent of the vote. The top three was rounded out by Spider-Man at 46 percent and Batman at 45 percent, with Captain America at 42 percent and Iron Man at 41 percent not far behind.It is possible to describe a pleasant sound as a sound that feels happy. Music is sound which is pleasant to hear. Examples: Sounds from flutes.

It is possible to describe a pleasant sound as a sound that feels happy. Music is sound which is pleasant to hear. Examples: Sounds from flutes....

It is possible to describe a pleasant sound as a sound that feels happy. Music is sound which is pleasant to hear. Examples: Sounds from flutes....Sounds from bus horns and truck horns.Electrical generator sounds.Gunshot sounds.Jackhammer sounds.

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