प्रीपेड और टेबल एंड राइट फाइव प्वाइंट्स फॉर व्हाट डिफरेंस ई कैन सी ड्यूरिंग डे टाइम एंड नाइट ट्रेन
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Railway signalling is a system used to direct railway traffic and keep trains clear of each other at all times. Trains move on fixed rails, making them uniquely susceptible to collision. This susceptibility is exacerbated by the enormous weight and momentum of a train, which makes it difficult to quickly stop when encountering an obstacle. In the UK, the Regulation of Railways Act 1889 introduced a series of requirements on matters such as the implementation of interlocked block signalling and other safety measures as a direct result of the Armagh rail disaster in that year.
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I hope answer is helpful to us
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