Hindi, asked by Armyforever4, 3 months ago

प्रस्तुत कविता जागरण गीत हमें अपनी गलतियों से सीख लेने के लिए प्रेरित करती है और अथक परिश्रम का संदेश देती है अपने जीवन की एक ऐसी घटना का वर्णन कीजिए जिसमें आपने अपनी गलती से कुछ नया सीखा हो .. (Don't spam)
〰〰〰 Whose answer is valuable I will make them Brainlist 〰〰〰〰


Answered by DmoosaD


  If nothing happens, our lives will be as long as decades or even a hundred years. Every day is the same rich or single, but it all depends on everyone's experience. It's like, people make mistakes every day.

  Some people say: A misstep will become eternal hate. This remark has been circulating for a hundred years,  many peoand it has madeple feel the same. But I think it is not. Everyone makes mistakes. It is one of the behaviors that people are born with when they make mistakes. It is the same reason that people are born to blink, cry and laugh. Of course, no one wants to make a mistake. However, we have to do is not hate ourselves and others after "stumble" but to stand up and realize why we "stumble" instead of falling a second time.

Answered by vinodkushawahaji124


you plz read Invictus poem and their story . I am promise you this poem change your life .


I am successful in any exam or work by this poem .

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